Thanks for sharing Marv's story. I have your Yiddish Bernie poster over our kitchen table - a Chanukah present from my partner from that era and love learning about part of how it came to be.
Thanks for sharing this story. Any idea where I can find the lyrics for the song Marv is singing? I’d love to read them. I’m going to try and track down the book he helped translate as well, so thanks for that suggestion.
One crazy thing is I can't find the Yiddish lyrics online at all. While Yiddish and German are pretty similar, in Yiddish they call themselves the Zumpland Brider (swamp brothers) not Die Moorsoldaten. If anyone can find any recording or lyrics for the Yiddish version let me know
Thanks for sharing Marv's story. I have your Yiddish Bernie poster over our kitchen table - a Chanukah present from my partner from that era and love learning about part of how it came to be.
Thanks for sharing this story. Any idea where I can find the lyrics for the song Marv is singing? I’d love to read them. I’m going to try and track down the book he helped translate as well, so thanks for that suggestion.
Turns out if you aren’t a lazy sack of potatoes that you can find stuff yourself. For anyone else looking for the lyrics:
One crazy thing is I can't find the Yiddish lyrics online at all. While Yiddish and German are pretty similar, in Yiddish they call themselves the Zumpland Brider (swamp brothers) not Die Moorsoldaten. If anyone can find any recording or lyrics for the Yiddish version let me know
Unfortunately I cannot speak or read Yiddish, so I won’t be that much help 😢